£144.50 GBP

2 monthly payments

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Hatch Athletic (Payment Plan)

  • 12 week research-based program you can do anywhere in the world
  • Digital programming on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile
  • 250+ workout videos
  • Step-by-step coaching notes and movement tutorials
  • Modifications and advice based on your own circumstances: diastasis, c-section delivery and prolapse
  • Tutorial on postpartum posture
  • Tutorial on how to check your diastasis and assess your function
  • Simple nutrition guide and new mum food hacks
  • Discounts/special offers with our home equipment partners
  • **NEW** 12 weeks of complementary access to MAP Online (worth £18)
  • 12 weeks of MINDSET content to support your motherhood journey
  • Invitation to join private Facebook group to meet our growing community of likeminded mamas

What People Are Saying:

Hatch was exactly what I was looking for in a postpartum training program! My core and pelvic floor honestly feel stronger than pre-pregnancy. I truly enjoyed this program and recommend it to anyone returning to training after having a baby!

Jenna Jones

I really enjoyed the Hatch Athletic post partum program. It was challenging enough but safe. I feel like it has helped me be ready for my next phase of training. It just takes about an hour and they give you gym and at home variations.

Heather Britz